The course includes three theory lessons which can be completed by studying on your own from a book or a DVD (supplied by us) or via the Internet. You can also arrange to have your lessons at our school with an instructor.
Afterwards, you will complete a knowledge quiz and talk to your instructor about any questions or things you have misunderstood and in the end you will take a final test.
All this can be done before or even in-between practice lessons.
Three training dives in confined waters, beginning with simple activities in shallow water and going as far as all the essential activities that must be gradually completed to a maximum depth of -6 meters.
Afterwards, two training dives are conducted in the open sea where you will be called to do in real conditions all you learned in shallow waters.
-18 meters is the maximum depth you will dive to during the first stage of your training.
The total duration can be from an intensive 2-day to a more relaxed 5-day course or more.
After attending this course, you will obtain a certification card by one of the biggest diving associations in the world, as well as a diploma.