This course is probably the most flexible and poses no pressure on your schedule.
It particularly includes 5 dives, with equivalent small briefings – theories for the corresponding dives. The Deep Dive and Underwater Navigation are two of the obligatory dives. You get to choose the three that interest you the most, out of a list that your trainer suggests and naturally the local environment permits. [For example Photography, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Night Dive, Dive with Enriched Air, Video, Search and Recovery, Fish Identification, Underwater Naturalist, Dry suit etc.]
As mentioned before the theory is covered at your convenience, either with self-study from the book or DVD “Adventures in Diving” that we will supply you with, as well as the knowledge quiz that you will have to complete later, and the dives that we will carry out. You can also arrange to have your lessons in 3 to 5 sessions at our school with an instructor.
The dives in the sea can take place along with the theory, or following it. Neither the sequence of the dives, nor the time are important. For example, you can do a dive whenever you wish to, and this dive is credited for your final certification, or you can take an intensive course that includes 1 to 3 dives daily, resulting to the acquisition of the certification in 2 to 3 days.
It all depends on your spirit, your mood and naturally your endurance!
The course can last from 3 to 5 days
Advanced Open Water enables you to dive to depths up to 40 meters, which is the maximum limit for recreational scuba diving. After attendance of this course you will obtain the certification card of one of the largest diving associations of the world.